The Run

How you handle challenges determines how far you will go? Whatever the challenge — relationship, family, work, financial, or health – take a step back and find a pastime to help cope with the stresses. Run, walk, dance, swim, bike - the choice is yours! The movement of the body lessens anxiety, improves mood and clears confusion needed to make smarter decisions.

The Life

There will be challenges along the way. It’s life! Health challenges, unemployment, unexpected expenses, uncertainty in relationships, or taking care of elderly parents are all common and NEVER happen at an opportune time. Patience, perseverance, persistence, preparation, and prayer are the key ingredients Tomorrow is not promised to you so LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH and embrace – LIFE!!!

The Course

To stay the course, practice the four Ds:
1) Definition – Define a written clear vision.
2) Discernment – Weed out “users”, “abusers”, and “losers”.
3) Discipline– Dedicate time daily and weekly to achieve goals for your vision.
4) Diligence – Work hard to last for a strong finish.

It’s winding, long, exhausting, and makes us think we should give up but you are in the home stretch now – FINISH THE COURSE!!!

Purpose Runs

Purpose Runs were created to incorporate purpose with running. We originate 5K and 10K races across the country to raise awareness on issues affecting each city by donating 1/3 of race registrations to an impactful charitable organization.

In-Person Races
East Coast – 10K begins at 6:45 AM. 5K begins at 8AM.
West Coast -10K begins at 7AM. 5K begins at 8:30 AM.

Virtual Races - Available Worldwide
Virtual races allow runners to reach for a PR goal. Register and receive medals by selecting a distance and running within a date duration.

Stay tuned for upcoming races!

Prior Purpose Runs

Jan-31 Miami (5K/1M Challenge – Results Photos)

Virtual Atlanta (5K/10K/1M Challenge - Photos)

Feb-1 Atlanta (5K – Results Photos)

June-2 Atlanta (5K /10K- Results Photos)

June-30- Baltimore (5K/10K – Results Photos )

August-30-Atlanta (5K – Results Photos)

September-1-Los Angeles (1K/5K /10K- Results)

November-14-Oakland (5K – Results Photos)

“Since taking office last year, I have become acutely aware of homelessness in Council District 6 and across the City of Atlanta. My office and I have been working diligently with partners in the city to address the issue, so I am proud to help support Run Life’s Course 5k’s efforts to raise money for ‘Back on my Feet’ in Atlanta.”

– Councilmember Jennifer N. Ide, Atlanta City Council District

